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Introduction: Imagine a computer that can write poems, translate languages, or even code software just like a human. This is now possible thanks to a new type of AI technology called Large Language Models (LLMs). Main Explanation: LLMs are computer programs trained on massive amounts of text data, enabling them...

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Introduction: When objects collide, their energy is transferred and often transformed into other forms like heat and sound. Main Explanation: In an elastic collision, the total kinetic energy of the objects before the collision is equal to the total kinetic energy after. This happens in a perfectly elastic collision, where...

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Introduction: In the realm of physics, two fundamental concepts that govern the motion of objects are momentum and kinetic energy. Understanding their relationship is crucial for comprehending the dynamics of our world. Main Explanation: Momentum, abbreviated as p, is a measure of an object's mass (m) multiplied by its velocity...

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Introduction: Momentum is a physical quantity that measures how much force it takes to stop a moving object. It's like the "oomph" of an object that's in motion. Main Explanation: Imagine a bowling ball and a tennis ball rolling down a hill. The bowling ball has much more momentum than...

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Introduction: Kinetic energy is a form of energy that objects possess because they are moving. It depends on the object's mass and speed. Main Explanation: Imagine a rolling ball. The ball has kinetic energy because it is moving. The faster the ball rolls, the more kinetic energy it has. Similarly,...

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Did You Know?

Some metals are so reactive that they explode on contact with water, such as cesium and francium.