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Which is the Fastest Growing Plant?

Category: Biology


The fastest growing plant in the world is the giant kelp, a marine alga that can grow up to 2 feet per day. It grows rapidly due to its large size and its ability to absorb nutrients directly from the ocean water.

Main Explanation:

Giant kelp belongs to the seaweed family and is found in cold, nutrient-rich waters along the Pacific coast of North America. It has a long, stem-like structure called a stipe, which can grow up to 100 feet long. The stipe is covered in blades, which are the photosynthetic organs of the plant. Giant kelp uses these blades to capture sunlight and convert it into energy through photosynthesis.

The rapid growth of giant kelp is essential for its survival. It competes with other algae for sunlight and nutrients, and it needs to grow quickly in order to outgrow its competitors. The giant kelp's large size also helps it to anchor itself in the turbulent ocean currents.


The giant kelp's ability to grow rapidly makes it an important part of the marine ecosystem. It provides food and shelter for many marine animals, and it helps to clean the water by absorbing nutrients. Giant kelp is also a valuable resource for humans, as it can be used to produce food, fertilizer, and biofuels.