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Why Do Days Last 24 Hours?

Category: Miscellaneous


Earth's rotation on its axis creates day and night. But why is a day exactly 24 hours long?

Main Explanation:

Gravity:** Earth's gravity keeps the Moon in orbit around it. The Moon's gravitational pull on Earth causes our planet to wobble slightly. This wobbling effect, known as lunar precession, makes Earth's rotation slightly slower over time.

Tidal Forces:** As Earth rotates, its oceans bulge slightly on the sides facing the Moon and the opposite side. These bulges create friction against Earth's surface, which slows down its rotation.

Inertia:** Objects in motion tend to stay in motion. Earth's vast mass keeps it spinning continuously. However, the tidal forces slowly counteract this inertia, reducing Earth's rotational speed.

Stabilization by the Moon:** The Moon's presence helps stabilize Earth's rotation. Its gravitational influence dampens any potential wobbles or changes in Earth's axis, ensuring that days remain relatively constant.


The precise length of a day (24 hours) is a result of the combined effects of gravity, tidal forces, inertia, and the Moon's stabilizing influence. These factors have been in balance for billions of years, creating the consistent day-night cycle we experience on Earth.