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Why Airplane Windows Are Not Square?

Category: Physics


Have you ever wondered why airplane windows are not square like the windows in your home? There are a few reasons for this, which have to do with the forces that act on an airplane during flight.

Main Explanation:

The main reason why airplane windows are not square is because of the pressure difference between the inside and outside of the airplane. When an airplane is flying, the air outside the plane is much thinner than the air inside the plane. This causes a pressure difference, with the air inside the plane pushing outward on the windows. If the windows were square, they would be more likely to crack or break under this pressure.

Another reason why airplane windows are not square is because of the aerodynamics of the airplane. Square windows would create more drag than rounded windows, which would slow the airplane down and make it less efficient. Rounded windows help to reduce drag and make the airplane more aerodynamic.

Finally, airplane windows are not square because they need to be able to withstand the forces of a crash. If an airplane were to crash, the windows would need to be able to hold together and keep the passengers inside safe. Square windows would be more likely to shatter in a crash, which could lead to injuries or death.


So, there are three main reasons why airplane windows are not square: they need to be able to withstand the pressure difference between the inside and outside of the airplane, they need to be aerodynamic, and they need to be able to withstand the forces of a crash.