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Astronomy Explanations

Explore clear and concise explanations on various Astronomy topics.

Dark Matter on Earth?

Introduction: Dark matter is a mysterious substance that makes up most of the universe. While it...

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Dark Matter: The Invisible Force in the Universe

Introduction: Dark matter is a mysterious substance that makes up about 85% of the mass in the...

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How Far to the Nearest Black Hole?

Introduction: Imagine a place where gravity is so strong that even light cannot escape. These...

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Why does Earth seem always sunny from space?

Introduction: From space, it might seem like Earth is always bathed in sunlight. But why is...

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The Sun: Our Nearest Star

Introduction: The Sun is a star, and it's the closest one to Earth. It provides us with light,...

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The Sun's Sunrise in the East

Introduction: Each day, we witness the sun rising in the east. Have you ever wondered why it...

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